Saturday, July 3, 2010

Cleaning Feet?

In my latest trip to Walmart.  Yes, unfortunately I do make the occasional Wally-world run.  For some reason that is the only store in this city that carries a couple of my daily sundries.  So, I make a monthly trip just for those items, which is another entry entirely.  So, moving on from that digression.  On my last trip I ran across a new item (new to me anyway) on one of the isles housing the cleaning supplies that forced me take pause, and a picture.  I think it was the bright green color of this Slipper Genie product that caught my eye more than the ridiculous concept of it.  The label reads "Slip em on and they'll do the cleaning for you," and calls them "Microfiber cleaning slippers."  Now, I don't know about you, but I don't actually walk every square inch of my tile flooring.  I guess dusting the high traffic area is better that no cleaning at all, but I can get the same result by walking around in my socks!  The discovery of the Slipper Genie has prompted me to ask, are we that busy or just that lazy?


Thursday, July 1, 2010

What Color is Your Water?

There was time, in the not so distant past, when I thought the water fountain at the entrance to my apartment complex was nice, tasteful even.  Perhaps it could have used a little descaling with the hard, desert water that was gracing its stones 24/7, but aside from that I liked it.  Then, one day a few weeks ago they began a little maintenance on the ol' water feature.  They did get rid of the mineral build up on the stones, which I applaud them for.  However, that was not the only fix in their plans.  It turns out that adding a fresh coat of paint or two was part of the program as well.  Typically I would say that a fresh coat of paint is an easy way to keep of the facade of a property, as most people would.  The only caveat to this would be color choice.  In the case of this fountain it seems that the person in charge of picking the paint colors was not informed of this very important stipulation.  As a result of what seems to be an attempt at an illusion of a clean, clear body of water is, in reality, an ostentatious eyesore.  While it's quite unsightly, and even blinding in lieu of sunglasses at high noon, I find for one am amused by the blunder.